6 ways to deliver premium customer service in the face of change
How to ensure your business stays on top of changing customer expectations and developing trends
5 structures for successful customer service
We consider the top factors identified by business leaders as instrumental in enabling excellent customer service
Engaging staff and customers
National Customer Service Week is your chance to highlight why customer service is important to you
Why you should enter the UK Customer Satisfaction Awards
Are you being recognised for great customer service? You should be.
Cabinet Office Consultation on a new Public Service Ombudsman
Institute of Customer Service response to the Cabinet Office Consultation ‘A Public Service Ombudsman’
Is it really important for brands to listen to customers?
The past few weeks have seen some big brand names making bold, strategic, decisions that go right to the heart of customer service. But are they the right ones?
Ideal Queen’s Speech: recognise importance of good customer service
What’s really needed from the Queen’s speech
Switch in a week legislation comes into play
On the 16th September the Payments Council launched a new -‘7- day Switch’- account switching service (also called the Current Account Switch Service).
Bridging the customer service skills gap for prosperity
The Autumn Statement underlined the importance of tackling youth unemployment in order to enhance UK competitiveness
Post-election: focusing politicians on customer service
The election campaign has shown many themes across the parties that are very revealing of politicians thinking when it comes to customer service
Jo Causon looks at some of the trends emerging in 2015
Key trends that had started to emerge in 2014 and how we believed they will develop throughout 2015.
Putting an All-Party focus on Customer Service in the Utility sector
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Customer Service was founded in July 2014 with an aim to raise awareness and understanding of customer service amongst parliamentarians and establish a dialogue with UK organisations across all sectors.
Events and Training
We also hold regular events and webinars. Most are exclusive to our members and some are open to all business leaders and customer service professionals.