Leveraging customer service to enhance reputation and drive growth
It is fitting that the Prime Minister should call a General Election for this summer, less than a week after I wrote…
Our Manifesto to build a Service Nation
With a general election now called for July 4, the UK is fast kicking into in pre-election mode, and campaigns…
A manifesto for building a Service Nation and a healthy economy
Those who follow our weekly updates and recent media appearances know that I have been vocal about the current cycle…
Jo Causon as independent expert on BBC Radio 5’s Wake up to Money
The Institute’s CEO Jo Causon joined BBC Radio 5’s Wake up to Money once again as an independent expert,…
Boosting the UK economy: investing in service to break out of the ‘doom loop’
May has so far been a mixed month in terms of economic news. The latest forecast from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation…
Bloomberg: Bad Service Is in England’s Cultural DNA
A recent Bloomberg article on the decline in UK customer service discusses research from our UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI),…
The Telegraph: Sorry, Gen Z, but this is why you need to pick up the phone
Our CEO Jo Causon was quoted in an article by The Telegraph discussing how different generations are engaging with customer…
Head to Head with Gillian Chamberlain (Capita)
In our Head to Head series, our CEO, Jo Causon, interviews a business leader to discuss the challenges their organisation…
Leading by example: the public sector’s role in elevating customer service
Our membership comprises a good mix of private and public sector organisations, with about a 75%/25% split. This is important…
Head to Head with Joanna Swash (Moneypenny)
In our Head to Head series, our CEO, Jo Causon, interviews a business leader to discuss the challenges their organisation…
Tech and customer service – the code to getting it right
Last weekend’s Financial Times Magazine was a fascinating conversation and deep dive into the state of customer service in the…
Head to Head with Phillippa Cardno (Newbury Building Society)
In our Head to Head series, our CEO, Jo Causon, interviews a business leader to discuss the challenges their organisation…
Events and Training
We also hold regular events and webinars. Most are exclusive to our members and some are open to all business leaders and customer service professionals.