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Top tips - Customer Surveys Featured Image

Top tips on how and why to conduct customer surveys during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 crisis many organisations have understandably been reluctant to run customer satisfaction surveys or research. Completing a satisfaction survey is probably not the priority for most customers at this time. By pressing ahead with a survey, organisations worry about appearing to be insensitive or out of touch. Or, if organisations have been unable to maintain accustomed service levels as a consequence of COVID-19, there is a concern that customer feedback only reflects the current context rather than the organisation’s broader service performance. However, as it becomes increasingly clear that measures to combat COVID-19 are likely to evolve but will be with us for some time, organisations need to recalibrate how they will gather and act on customer feedback.

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Now is the time for leaders to take stock of learnings from the COVID-19 crisis

As the lockdown continues, tensions will inevitably rise - and a shift in the public mood does seem likely. Businesses should be prepared to navigate the challenges of the next few months in the face of increasing pressure from both customers and employees – and effective service will be vital to ensure they remain committed and loyal when we move past the pandemic.

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