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Now is the time for leaders to take stock of learnings from the COVID-19 crisis

As the lockdown continues, tensions will inevitably rise - and a shift in the public mood does seem likely. Businesses should be prepared to navigate the challenges of the next few months in the face of increasing pressure from both customers and employees – and effective service will be vital to ensure they remain committed and loyal when we move past the pandemic.

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Leadership comes to the fore in difficult times – Jo Causon & Dr Liz Jackson

How can you make the right decisions for your business in the face of uncertainty? What will that mean for your staff, customers and company reputation? In this insightful audio interview, Dr Liz Jackson MBE, Marketing Director at BCMS, talks to Jo Causon, CEO of the Institute of Customer Service, about the many challenges business leaders are facing in the current situation.

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Top tips for maintaining great service in challenging times

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many traditional ways of working are no longer viable. A new normal is being established - and we are all grappling with the challenges and opportunities it presents. We reached out to our network of Vice Presidents - business leaders from across the UK in a range of sectors for their top tips on maintaining great service through these challenging times.

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Maintaining and building customer loyalty during the COVID-19 crisis

Brilliant organisations don’t do something to be seen to be doing it. They do it because it is relevant to their purpose and the right thing to do. As part of our Inspiring a Service Nation campaign – developed and launched before we knew of the impending crisis - we have been calling on businesses to stand up and be counted for the good of the country.

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