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Introducing the Service Experience Model ®

An independent framework to help you develop, transform and future-proof your customer experience.

Consumer needs, preferences and behaviours are changing fast. As a result, companies should assess the ability of their teams to adapt, meet and exceed these evolving expectations.

Our latest UKCSI shows that 35% of customers would be prepared to pay more to guarantee excellent service. With quality becoming a more important factor in influencing customer decisions, improving standards and consistency in operational delivery should be a key priority for all organisations.

Our Service Experience Model is an independent framework created to embed the right culture and help you drive, transform and future-proof your customer experience. We help you build a service culture with the right skills for better engagement and retention rates, and define a clear strategic vision with the right leadership to drive positive change in your organisation.  

A multi-dimensional strategic tool

The vision behind the Service Experience Model

Our newly redesigned model aims to ensure consistency and quality of delivery across your organisation whilst helping you establish and maintain high standards. It is a continual drive for service excellence, maximising business performance in the long run.

What is the Service Experience Model?

A dynamic model to help you with:

  • Diagnosing issues
  • Benchmarking
  • Strategy development
  • Measuring progress through ServCheck
Key benefits :

Multidimensional view

Provides a unique multi-dimensional view of your customer service strategy, delivery and performance

Identify areas of success

Highlights areas of strength to be maximised and sustained by your organisation

Improve your strategy

Identifies areas for improvement, highlighting relevant tools and guidance to achieve successful change

Achieve service excellence

Drives improved business performance and results through service excellence

The Service Experience Model

C U L T U R E & E N G A G E D P E O P L E C A P A B I L I T Y C O N T I N U I T Y O P E R A T I O N A L D E L I V E R Y C R E A T I V I T Y C O N S I S T E N C Y S T R A T E G Y & L E A D E R S H I P C O M M I T M E N T C R E D I B I L I T Y Reputation Performance Growth Profitability Trust
  • Culture & engaged people

    Tools and resources available • People development • Professional Qualifications • Management Qualifications
    • ServiceFocus • Accreditations: TrainingMark Approved Centre • Research: Are you connected

  • Operational delivery

    Tools and resources available • ServiceMark • Business Benchmarking
    • ServCheck • Workshops: Customer Journey Mapping Measuring what matters
    • Complaints • Research: Procurement

  • Strategy & leadership

    Tools and resources available • ServiceMark • Business Benchmarking
    • ServCheck • Management Qualifications
    • Head2Heads • CEO Blogs, • Newsletter
    • Top tips Research: Green goes mainstream, Who do you Trust?

  • Capability

    People are recruited and developed in order to deliver the organisation-wide service strategy

  • Continuity

    Employee retention, reward and recognition strategies are designed to deliver the organisation's customer experience promise

  • Creativity

    Continuous improvement and innovation are nurtured and embedded. There are mechanisms in place for gathering insight to respond to changing customer needs and behaviours

  • Consistency

    Processes and systems are designed from the customer's perspective and delivered to consistent standards across all relevant channels

  • Commitment

    Service quality is a key organisational goal, with senior level ownership and measurement that is embedded throughout the organisation

  • Credibility

    Doing the right thing for customers, employees, stakeholders and wider impact on society with a clear ESG strategy


Interactive model

Founded on five inter-dependent financial and reputational outcomes, our interactive model focuses on enhancing each of these elements in relevant and sustainable ways.

The core supports three strategic independent ‘pillars’​: each must play its part if customer service excellence is to be consistently delivered and maintained.

The Service Experience Model is powered by expert insight, tools and guidance to enable you to:

  • Comprehensively diagnose current performance
  • Articulate areas of advantage to be leveraged
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Set meaningful strategies for service development and sustainable delivery
  • Benchmark and track progress
  • Membership offers tools to build on each element and support from a dedicated Client Development Director
Download Model

Strategy and Leadership

Service has never been more important than in today’s complex and competitive environment.Service quality goals need to be hardwired into the organisation’s broader commercial and strategic ambitions.To be authentic, an unwavering commitment to the customer experience should be driven from the top and embraced by everyone.

Culture and Engaged People

It can take years to find and attract new customers, but only moments to lose them​. It’s fundamental that your people, whether customer or colleague-facing, have the skills, tools, aptitude and motivation required to deliver your organisation’s customer experience promise. Having the right culture and engaged teams is key.

Operational Delivery

Customer-centric processes are critical to delivering high quality customer service. Continuous improvement and ongoing innovation, based on regular customer feedback, will help maintain competitive difference. This will deliver improved financial and organisation results by keeping customers satisfied and loyal.

Evolution of the model:

The Service Experience model has evolved from our World Class Service Model. The timeline below takes a look at the key milestones and major events having led to the Service Experience model as we know it today.

A collaborative process

Your Client Development Director and other experts at The Institute will be on-hand to help you get the most out of the model. We can provide tools and advice to help you focus your attention and resources to maximise success.

+44 (0) 207 260 2620

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