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Our most recent Open UKCSI webinar, open to members and non-members alike, covered the same elements as our member-exclusive launch webinar last 11 July.

We shared the highlights and analysis of the current state of customer satisfaction in the UK. Our CEO, Jo Causon, and our Head of Research and Insight, Brian Weston, guided us through the latest findings and helped us interpret insights from 52,000 customer experiences.

This webinar assessed the latest results, the factors influencing customer experience and identified where organisations need to focus to improve customer satisfaction and business performance. The session included a Q&A at the end.

For those asking in the webinar about what the UKCSI looks like over a longer time period, we have a full report highlighting the key changes and impacts of the UKCSI from 2010 – 2020.

The slides are also available here.

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