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Business Benchmarking: uploading database

This article covers:

Database quality requirements

Addressing your customers 

Make sure you add customer names to your database, otherwise we will use “Hello Customer” greeting on your survey invite email.

Additional data columns

Ensure the email and customer name columns contain relevant and up-to-date information. Additional information such as “No email”, “Do not contact” and “deceased” will be visible to the customer on the email they receive.

If you want to include additional customer data in your database, don’t use personally identifiable information such as specific age and address in the columns. Instead group your data, so it can’t be linked to any individual participant (e.g. group age into “20-30”). Any other columns not specified on the survey request will be deleted.

Number of contacts

You can only upload up to 8,000 records in one go.

Database file size

You can upload a file up to 10 MB in size.

Guide to uploading customer database

Our Business Benchmarking platform makes it easy to upload a customer database. Follow the steps below to get started.

Video Overview


  1. Go to Business Benchmarking portal

1. In the navigation menu, click My Surveys

Business Benchmarking survey

Business Benchmarking survey

2. Select you survey, click Upload Database

Business Benchmarking

3. Carefully read the information under Upload Checklist and Database Requirements

4. Select the date when you want to send out your surveys

Business Benchmarking

5. Tick the box next to Declaration

6. Click Choose to upload your database

7. Do a quick pre-upload check to make sure your database is good to go

8. Click Upload

Business Benchmarking

9. Now your database is being processed by our partners at TLF Research, once they’ve reviewed your database, your survey will be set live. In case TLF spot any issues with your database, we’ll contact you immediately to resolve those.

Business Benchmarking

Please note our Business Benchmarking surveys are conducted by TLF Research, a member of the Market Research Society. Please click here to see their privacy notice for more details: TLF Research Privacy Policy

You can also learn more about our privacy policy by clicking : The Insitute of Customer Service Privacy Policy


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