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Industry-leading independent research on topics of vital interest for CEOs, customer experience leaders and professionals

We publish an independent, expert perspective and provide thought leadership, insights and advice to help organisations adapt to changes in the customer landscape and improve their performance.

Breakthrough Research

At a time when organisations in regulated sectors and regulators are under growing scrutiny, our latest Breakthrough Research assesses what regulators should do to stimulate higher standards of customer service in the sectors they regulate.

We also examine how the customer perspective can be appropriately represented in decision-making, the skills and capabilities required by regulators, and consumer attitudes about regulation in the UK.

We give a distinct customer experience emphasis to each topic, with practical recommendations that customer experience leaders can use in their organisations. Breakthrough research is funded through sponsorship by member organisations. If you would like to know more about sponsorship please contact us.

Research Hub

This research report examines the key factors influencing perceptions about an organisation’s reputation and the impact of failures in customer service on long-term reputation and customer engagement.

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Research Hub

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