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UKCSI Transport Sector – July 2024


The average customer satisfaction in the Transport sector is 71.5 (out of 100), a slight fall of 0.4 points compared to July 2023 and 4.3 points below the UK all-sector average.

  • The average customer satisfaction with train operators of 70.4 is down by 0.8 points compared to July 2023. Satisfaction with experiences related to coach/bus companies has also fallen by 1.5 points to 68.8. However, customer satisfaction with airlines has improved by 1.2 points, to 74.9
  • Some of the biggest differences in scores between Transport organisations are for product/service reliability and complaint handling
  • Fewer customers experienced a problem with an organisation compared to a year ago but Transport has highest incidence of problems of any sector
  • Average customer satisfaction is lower than the UK average for experiences in all channels except for over the phone
  • 38 Transport organisations have received a UKCSI score. Jet2 is the highest rated for customer satisfaction
  • Reliability of product or service is the top issue that organisations in the Transport sector should improve

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The UKCSI is based on an online survey of over 15,000 consumers, who are representative of the UK adult population by region, age and gender. The July 2024 UKCSI comprises 59,500 customer experiences collected over during the past 9 months. Customers are asked to rate their experience of dealing with a specific organisation in the previous three months. Customers rate only one organisation per sector.

The July 2024 UKCSI shows the state of customer satisfaction in the UK, with insight about key issues and trends affecting customer experience and examines their latest financial results. It includes customer satisfaction results for 13 sectors and 282 organisations and organisation types, and examines how customer attitudes and buying behaviour are influenced by perceptions about business practices and reputation.

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