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UKCSI Sample Sector Report – July 2015

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This sample report demonstrates the variety, depth and quality of the data included in every sector report provided by The Institute of Customer Service. If you’re looking for insight into the latest customer service trends in your industry, download a sample report today to assess how much value the UKCSI sector reports can add to your business.

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A barometer of customer satisfaction in the UK since 2008. The latest UKCSI comprises 45,000 responses across 13 sectors, and provides you with a strategic overview of the UK’s performance as a whole and for individual sectors and key organisations.

The UKCSI provides an objective, independent perspective of the state of customer satisfaction in the UK, enabling organisations to assess their performance compared to others in their sector, and with some of the UK’s leading service organisations across a range of sectors.

This special publication of the UKCSI celebrating a decade of research, we reveal:

– the latest customer service trends and key issues
– how your sector is performing and how you benchmark against them
– your customers’ priorities and the importance of the five customer experience dimensions: Experience, Complaints, Customer Ethos, Emotional Connection and Ethics
– lessons learnt over the last decade of the UKCSI


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