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UK versus US: reality and myth in customer service standards in these countries (2010)

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This literature review examines the difference between customer service standards in the US and the UK, answering the question: Is US service really better than UK service?

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Written by Dr Dawn L. Eubanks of University of Bath.

There has been a perception that the United States has been a leader in customer service practices. While this may once have been the case, this paper explores the current standards of customer service in the US and UK. It also discusses what particular aspects of the customer service experience are different in the US compared with the UK. The paper presents the key literature on this topic and focuses on the following points:
– is there a difference between customer service standards in the US and UK?
– does the US have an advantage over the UK in the levels of customer service they provide?
– what effect does culture have on customer service?
– why is service recovery important to customer satisfaction in the US and UK?


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