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Experiences, Emotions and Ethics: Refreshing the customer priorities that underpin the UKCSI

5.0 (1 review)


This new research into customers’ priorities is designed to strengthen the relevance, insight and impact of the UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI).

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“Experiences, Emotions and Ethics” is designed to ensure that the UKCSI continues to be rooted in relevant and current customer needs whilst maintaining a consistent customer satisfaction benchmark. It explores the attributes of customer experience that are most important to customers in their interactions and relationship with organisations.

It also shares the latest findings about customer priorities, how they vary by sector, and how they will be used in the January 2019 UKCSI.

1 review for Experiences, Emotions and Ethics: Refreshing the customer priorities that underpin the UKCSI


    Superb piece of research that underpins the need for focus on relational skills and execution.

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