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Customer of the Future 2025

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In this research we identify the forces shaping the customer of the future, examine a range of future scenarios and highlight opportunities and key implications for organisations. The timeframe for the research extends to 2025: beyond most organisations’ immediate planning horizons, but close enough to identify tangible opportunities, challenges and risks that need to be planned for now.

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Sponsored by Ageas Insurance, first direct, UK Power Networks and Volks Wagen Group UK, and in partnership with Future Management Group AG.

Building on the themes identified in the Institute’s 2012 research The Future of Customer Service: a blueprint for 2020, the objectives of The customer of the future 2025 are to assess and interpret the following:

1. What will the customers of the future look like?

2. How will customers needs and preferences change?

3. How will organisations need to evolve and adapt to respond?

4. Which potentially hazardous surprises could there be?

5. What are the opportunities and challenges in the future customer landscape?

6. How should organisations prepare themselves for the future customer?

The research draws on evidence from UK, European and global sources and has been designed to be relevant both for organisations that are primarily UK-focused as well as those that operate across global territories.

None of us can claim accurately to predict the future but we can explore key factors of change and their implications for both customers and organisations. We aim to challenge existing assumptions and stimulate further debate but also to offer pragmatic and practical recommendations to help plan for an uncertain, complex future.


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