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The Customer Service Dividend Revisited: How to achieve sustainable growth, profitability and productivity


Our latest research contains compelling current insights about the relationship between customer satisfaction and business performance, factors that influence this in different sectors, and key areas of focus that have enabled companies to achieve consistently high levels of customer satisfaction and sustainable business performance.

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Customer satisfaction and investment in customer service are under severe pressure, and there is a growing and urgent need to reassess the relationship between customer satisfaction and financial performance.

This research examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and business performance over the last 5 years, and provides key areas of focus and investment that have enabled companies to achieve sustainable customer satisfaction and financial performance.

The findings are based on assessing companiesā€™ customer satisfaction, as recorded in the UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI), a national benchmark of customer satisfaction published twice a year by The Institute of Customer Service, alongside financial performance as shown in companiesā€™ annual reports and accounts.

We have also reviewed annual reports of many of the highest rated companies for customer satisfaction to identify the key activities and investments that have influenced both customer satisfaction and business performance. The report is based on analysis of 125 companies across 8 sectors.

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