Membership options
Organisational Member Benefits
Develop your people
Better trained staff are able to service your customers more efficiently and effectively.
Our research proves that employee engagement is closely related to customer satisfaction. By preparing staff for the challenges they will face, how to deal with vulnerable or difficult customers and encouraging them to spot opportunities, we help our members increase productivity and improve the customer experience.
Measure & Benchmark
Independently measure your success, identify opportunities and benchmark against competitors.
Understand where you are outperforming and where the biggest opportunities for improvement lie. Our benchmarking surveys and accreditation programmes give you the full picture of how your customer satisfaction levels stack up and how aligned your people are with your service strategy. Make your improvement plans more effective and accurately track progress against your objectives.
Policy Engagement
We engage with the Government and other public officials through our APPG, policy campaigns and partnerships with regulators.
We engage with the Government and other public officials through our All-Party Parliamentary Group on Customer Service, policy campaigns and partnerships with regulators.
Enhance Your Profile
Gain recognition of your organisation’s expertise in customer service, building your influence and raising your profile.
Demonstrate your long-term commitment to excellent customer service and use it as a point of differentiation. We can help you promote your service successes and highlight the business impact of a customer-centric approach to your clients, prospects and colleagues.
Set Service Standards
Find out how to set the highest quality standards to provide excellent customer service consistently.
We set the industry standard and can help you achieve it. Drive better performance by being clear about your goals, expectations and why service matters.
A Critical Friend
We act as your critical friend – giving you an impartial outside perspective when you need it.
Our Client Development Directors work across all sectors and help you ‘bring the outside in’. When you need an honest assessment of the state of play or a second opinion, we are on hand to provide an expert external view.
Research & Insight
Understand the evolving customer environment, the secrets of excellent service and get practical insight to inform your strategy.
Our members value the quality and rigour of our research – and the actionable insights that flow from it. Get a true picture of how your organisation is viewed by customers and colleagues, along with clear recommendations for improving different aspects of your service offering.
Advice & Support
We’re here to make sure everything is aligned around your customer to create a compelling, competitive advantage.
We are on hand to support you with expert advice backed by a wealth of data and our world-class service delivery model.
Principles and Promises
Acting as a critical friend and trusted advisor , this requires a two-way commitment in our relationship with our members. Our Principles and Promises give you an overview of what you can expect from us and our expectations from our members.