Below you can find recent media coverage and events for The Institute. If you would like to discuss a media opportunity with us or request a comment, please get in touch.
BBC Radio 4 You and Yours: Expert Comment by Jo Causon
Listen to Jo Causon on BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours, where she discussed the recent decline in customer service and its impact on consumers, businesses, and the wider economy.
The Telegraph: ‘I called up Barclays for help, but the WFH agent was too busy with her dog’
The Institute of Customer Service’s UK Customer Service Index results featured in a Telegraph article discussing challenges faces by customers…
The Economist: Customer service is getting worse – and so are customers
Jo Causon, the Institute’s CEO, discusses the importance of finding the right balance between AI and human interactions when dealing…
The Sunday Times: What went wrong with Britain’s customer service
Jo Causon, the Institute’s CEO, featured in a Sunday Times article discussing what is contributing to the recent decline in…
The Grocer – M&S’s FTSE return shows the power of customer service
Jo Causon, the Institute’s CEO, discusses M&S’s recent return to the FTSE 100, the impact of customer service on…
ITV News: Customers – Are We Being Served?
According to our latest UKCSI, poor customer service is costing UK businesses £11.4bn a month in lost productivity, with employees…
Forbes: Thank You For Not Calling! Agents Are On The Verge Of Burnout
Customer abuse of public-facing workers remains high, which is causing many call center workers to experience burnout as a result…
Poor customer service costs UK firms billions – so why can’t they get it right?
Our latest January 2023 UKCSI revealed that employees are spending an average of 4.8 working days a month dealing with…
Water Industry Journal: Harnessing technology with people for better service outcomes
Our recent Breakthrough Research, “A Connected World?” explores the theme of digitisation and how it applies to customer service. Many…
Forbes: If More Is Not Done To Protect Agents, Customer Service Standards Will Fall
The latest results of our Service with Respect campaign polling have revealed that over the last six months, 45% of…