Below you can find recent media coverage and events for The Institute. If you would like to discuss a media opportunity with us or request a comment, please get in touch.
BBC Radio 5 Wake up to Money: Jo Causon discusses the importance of good service to economic growth
Jo Causon returned to BBC Five Live’s Wake up To Money where she discussed the challenging landscape in customer service and how, amid interest rate cuts and revised global growth outlooks, customer service will remain a key tool for economic growth in the UK. She also discusses how businesses need to start looking at long-term, strategic solutions rather than…
The Institute of Customer Service Parliamentary Reception – November 2024
As the first real chill of winter creeps across the UK, and the dust settles on the recent budget of… Opinion Piece: How can government and regulators prioritise growth? Focus on customer service
CEO Jo Causon penned an opinion piece for, discussing what government and regulators can do to promote and prioritise…
Jo Causon interviewed on BBC’s You and Yours discussing the cost of poor service to UK retailers
As part of our National Customer Service Week celebrations, CEO Jo Causon appeared on BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours…
Jo Causon interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live for Service with Respect campaign
In an interview on BBC Radio 5 Live, Jo Causon discusses new research commissioned as part of our Service with…
Watch: Jo Causon on BBC Breakfast discussing Service with Respect campaign to protect customer-facing workers from abuse
CEO Jo Causon on abuse of customer facing staff: “We (as business leaders) need to stand up and say this…
BBC Radio 5 Wake up to Money: Jo Causon returns to discuss the latest in customer satisfaction
Jo Causon returned to BBC Five Live’s Wake up To Money where she discussed the rental market slowing, retailers…
UK customer satisfaction levels remain low, threatening nation’s economic recovery
A landmark report on the state of customer service across the UK revealed that satisfaction levels are at their lowest…
Forbes article: Factors Driving The Gap Between Customer Expectations And Satisfaction
An in-depth Forbes article quotes the Institute of Customer Service’s UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) in a piece discussing the…
The Telegraph: Firms turn to ‘brand ambassadors’ despite satisfaction levels plummeting to a 14-year low
The Telegraph uses our latest UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) as a benchmark when discussing the utilisation of ‘brand ambassadors’…