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Together we are so much more than the sum of our parts, and never has it been more important to come together to support each other

Inspiring a Service Nation
The four pillars

Our Research shows that a sustained improvement in customer satisfaction will provide a £33bn per year productivity boost to the UK economy. To achieve this and make the UK a byword for exceptional service, we are calling on all organisations – large and small – to help build a Service Nation.

With 80% of the UK’s GDP generated by the service sector and over 60% of employees in the UK in customer-facing roles, putting service at the heart of how businesses operate is key to achieving sustainable growth.

There are four pillars to being a Service Nation, and we need to build and strengthen each one to get the maximum return:

Customer Service as a Business Asset

Customer service is a source of value that can help retain purpose and focus in an extraordinarily challenging environment. We know that where organisations consistently earn higher levels of customer satisfaction than peers in their sector, they achieve better financial results, drive greater productivity and enjoy higher levels of trust and reputation – all key sources of long-term value.

Customer Service as a driver for a fairer society

Customer service plays a fundamental role in helping to drive fair outcomes for all. An ethos of genuine customer service will help steer an organisation towards treating customers fairly, doing the right thing and conducting their business according to clear principles and values. They enshrine the right of all customers to be heard and have their needs, priorities and preferences taken into account.

Customer Service as a respected profession

The profession of customer service has expanded to include diverse skills, capabilities, behaviours and knowledge. At the Institute, we’re passionate about reinforcing the rightful perception of customer service as a career, and our Research looks in depth at key service skills and capabilities and how to develop them, how to support professional development, and how to build recognition of service as a valued career.

Customer Service for long-term growth and prosperity

Better service improves productivity: we recently calculated that due to the number of customer problems and complaints that are currently arising, up to 20% of staff time is consumed dealing with the consequences. This equates to a drag on productivity worth a staggering £11bn to the national economy every month. If this could be reversed, a positive boost to our nation’s economy would be unlocked.

A Customer Service Call to Arms

What has changed over the last 10 years? We produce this video to launch our campaign to drive up customer service in the UK. It’s a look back at the past decade in order to look forward and reignite our passion for excellent service.

Pressures from changing technology, regulation and disruption mean that we need to place greater focus on ethics, sustainability and authenticity. More than ever, we need to be clear about our purpose and who we are serving and why. Customers need to be at the heart of every organisation, or they simply won’t last.

Together we are Inspiring a Service Nation. Join us in creating a service nation which drives standards and achieves sustainable benefits for your customers, your organisation, your employees and for the UK.

Let us know your stories of how you are Inspiring a Service Nation and we will share them here.

The Service Nation

Delivering service in challenging times

A Decade of Excellence

To support our Inspiring a  Service Nation campaign, We worked with one of our members, Sky, to produce this special video celebrating the past 10 years of customer service excellence. See a selection of our members looking back to look forward to what the next decade has in store.

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