Unlocking service productivity to fuel economic recovery
As lockdown measures begin to ease, leaders are facing the fresh challenge of when and how to bring their workforce back into the business.
As lockdown measures begin to ease, leaders are facing the fresh challenge of when and how to bring their workforce back into the business.
As lockdown measures begin to ease, leaders are facing the fresh challenge of when and how to bring their workforce back into the business.
As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention – and as businesses continue to face the enormous challenges brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic, this has never felt more relevant.
We should recognise that the crisis also brings with it a unique opportunity to re-set and restructure our organisations in a way that meets a wider set of objectives to purely the financial ones.
Organisations must take the time to gain absolute clarity over who they are serving and how they are serving them - and use this as a central pillar around which to rebuild.
As we tackle the intractable challenges ahead, it is the job of leaders to remain focused – and ensure that in dealing with short-term decisions, they do not lose sight of their long-term purpose.
Coronavirus has taught all of us that commercial imperatives cannot be all that drives our decision making. Evidence shows that where the board takes responsibility for customer experience, employee engagement increases and levels of customer satisfaction rise. Ultimately in the longer-term higher levels of performance emerge.
The importance of customer service has been thrust into the forefront by this crisis. I think the results reflect that brands may have been benefiting from a period of tolerance from customers, but this may diminish as time goes on.
To adapt successfully to the next Covid-19 phase, businesses need to take stock of what they have learnt over the past weeks - and provide a clear framework for what should be taken forward, and what should be discarded.
As the lockdown continues, tensions will inevitably rise - and a shift in the public mood does seem likely. Businesses should be prepared to navigate the challenges of the next few months in the face of increasing pressure from both customers and employees – and effective service will be vital to ensure they remain committed and loyal when we move past the pandemic.