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Institute evidence to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee inquiry on the digital economy

The inquiry is looking at the barriers to business success in the digital economy and what government can do to help businesses to overcome these. See the inquiry page for more information.

The Institute submitted evidence focusing on: the importance of building sustainable two way relationships in a world where greater visibility of customer experiences online exposes organisations to reputational damage; the need to provide omni-channel choice and support to customers; and, the need to invest in the necessarily skills that operating in the digital arena requires.

We have called on all organisations to report on their customer service metrics in their annual report and accounts and we have called on government to ensure soft skills are catered for in its apprenticeships system by requiring all apprenticeships to include an element on customer service.

The committee has published the Institute’s evidence which can be accessed on their website:

Read the Institute evidence to the BIS Committee inquiry on the digital economy

The Institute of Customer Service

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