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UKCSI – The state of customer satisfaction in the UK – January 2021


In this special UKCSI, we have also included a review of customer satisfaction during the COVID-19 crisis, analysis of the changing customer behaviours and well-being and a range of recommendations for all types of organisations.

Key findings include:

  • The January 2021 UKCSI is 76.8 (out of 100), 0.1 points lower than January 2020 and the lowest level since July 2015
  • Customer satisfaction with the Public Services (National) sector has risen by 1.5 points
  • Banks & Building Societies, Tourism and Transport have fallen by at least 1 point compared to January 2020
  • 271 organisations or organisation types received a UKCSI score
  • first direct, John Lewis and M & S (Non-food) are the highest rated organisations

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The UKCSI is based on an online survey of over 10,000 consumers, who are representative of the UK adult population by region, age and gender. The January 2021 UKCSI comprises 45,000 responses, 3,000 from each sector except for Transport and Utilities which include 6,000 responses each. Customers are asked to rate their experience of dealing with a specific organisation in the previous three months. Customers rate only one organisation per sector. Each customer can complete the survey for up to five different sectors.

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